Active Cylinder Technology (ACT)
ACT means that the second and third cylinders are temporarily shut down. In two-cylinder mode, the engine runs more efficiently. Depending on the driving style, the technology can lower consumption by more than 0.5 l/100 km. ACT is activated in an engine speed range between 1,400 and 4,000 rpm, at a torque of between 25 and 100 Nm and at velocities of up to 130 km/h.
на низких оборотах и на моменте до 100 ньютонов 2 и 3 цылиндры будут отключаться... треш угар и содомия на тси двигле продолжаются... скорее не куплю чем куплю )
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Brake energy recovery
What happens when energy is recovered? Kinetic energy is transformed into usable electricity, which is stored in the battery or used in electric systems. During engine braking, the alternator supplies the electricity to appliances and recharges the battery. This saves on the fuel that would otherwise be used for these tasks.
тупые маркетологовые слоганы: при торможении при помощи какой то хреновины будет заряжаться аккумулятор- это круто, но вот заявлять что эта хреновина экономит топливо - генератор то при разгоне вы не будете отключать